104th Annual Meeting Notice

104th Annual Meeting Notice

Official Notice is hereby given that the 104th Annual Meeting of the Clinton County Farm Bureau will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at the American Legion in Albers.  The evening begins with a meal for $5.00/person, with advance registration and payment due to the Farm Bureau office in Breese by Monday, January 17, 2022.

Following dinner, we will have our regular business meeting to elect Directors, hear reports of officers and staff, and conduct other business which may properly come before the meeting.  Our Young Leader Committee will also be conducting a 50/50 raffle to support committee efforts, and the evening will be wrapped up with the usual distribution of Prairie Farms butter and door prizes.

This is your organization and your Annual Meeting.  Plan now to enjoy a night of fellowship and take an active role in the leadership of your Farm Bureau.  Members can mail in payment along with names of all attending along with contact information (phone number and/or email), stop by the office, or contact us at (618) 526-7235 or [email protected] to make your reservations by Monday, January 17th.


Robert Gerstenecker, Secretary
Clinton County Farm Bureau

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