2021 Yield Survey Results

2021 Yield Survey Results

The Clinton County Farm Bureau completed its annual Clinton County Crop Survey on Thursday, August 26th.

Teams of surveyors consisted of Farm Bureau members, Agri-business representatives, and Ag students from Breese Mater Dei.  A total of 5 teams surveyed Clinton County.  The results of the survey are summarized below.

The county was divided into 5 areas with 10 samples taken in each area. 

Average corn yields calculated for each area are as follows:

 Corn (bu.)     
Northwest                   195.1
Northeast                   213.8
Southwest                   202.1
South Central             222.3
Southeast                    209.2
County Average        208.5                         

Corn samplings ranged from a low of 155 to a high of 256 bushels per acre. The committee did not attempt to make an estimate on soybeans but made more general observations of pod counts and conditions that indicated an overall average soybean crop for 2021.

The Marketing Committee shared the results of the survey with about 20 members at the Yield Survey report meeting during the evening of August 26th following the survey earlier that day. Marketing Chairman Cliff Schuette thanked members of the survey team for taking the time to conduct the survey.  Team members included: Ray Krausz, Cliff Schuette, Brad Conant, Glenn Netemeyer, Ron Holevoet, Luke Buchmiller, Jared Thole, Dylan Guenzberger, Owen Huelsmann, Carissa Litteken, and Olivia Book. 

During the results meeting, Karl Setzer from AgriVisor, LLC also provided some market updates and predictions based of the recent August WASDE reporting. Karl commented that he would expect higher average market price potential for both corn and soybeans than what was included in the August report ($5.75/bu. and $13.70/bu. respectively), but wheat’s predicted average market price of $6.70 should be relatively close.

Pictured is Marketing Committee Chairman Cliff Schuette giving a report from the northwest portion of the county during the Yield Survey dinner on August 26th.

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