2023 ALOT Program

2023 ALOT Program

Are you, or someone you know ready to take the next step in their leadership development?  The Illinois Farm Bureau has a program to help with that. The Agricultural Leaders of Tomorrow (ALOT) provides participants with the tools they need to reach their full potential and emerge as a leader in agriculture. Whether they are on your county Farm Bureau board, county Farm Bureau committee, or a leader in agribusiness or your local community, they’ll benefit from ALOT just as the over 1,200 previous graduates have.

Classroom studies cover leadership, communication & professional skills, political process, agricultural economics, and global issues, and are taught by experts in a variety of fields. Classes will be conducted over a nine-week period in a different region of the state each year, so there’s sure to be one near you. 


In 2023, there will be six weekly sessions held at one of the following locations: Jacksonville, Springfield, and Bloomington, Illinois as well as two sessions on Zoom. Of those in-person sessions, two overnight sessions will be in Springfield and one in Bloomington.

The ALOT program is limited to 25 participants, who are chosen following interviews conducted on December 15th by the ALOT advisory committee. There is an $800 tuition fee, which includes meals, lodging, and instructional materials.  Financial assistance for the ALOT program may also be available through your County Farm Bureau.

Applications are available online at www.ilfb.org and are due by November 15th. For more information about the program, contact your County Farm Bureau, visit the Illinois Farm Bureau® website at www.ilfb.org under “Get Involved,” or contact the IFB Training and Development Department at (309) 557-3943.

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