Free Livestock Manure Nutrient Analysis Available

Free Livestock Manure Nutrient Analysis Available

As part of the Illinois Farm Bureau’s 2023 Nutrient Stewardship Grant program, the Clinton County Farm Bureau is again offering livestock producers two (2) FREE manure tests for nutrient analysis.  Collected samples will be sent off for testing, with producers receiving a detailed nutrient analysis on their samples. To participate in this FREE testing program, members can pick up sample collection bottles from the Clinton County Farm Bureau office in Breese.  Directions for collecting samples will be provided with the bottles and the samples must be returned to the Gateway FS office in Breese by June 30th.

With continued high fertilizer prices, be sure to take advantage of the nutrients you already have on your farm by finding out their values.  For more information on getting your free manure samples/analysis, contact the Clinton CFB office at (618) 526-7235.

About the NLRS Grant Program – Clinton County was one of 23 County Farm Bureaus awarded funding from IFB in 2023 to develop projects that address farmer needs for research, education and outreach, and implementing best management practices for nutrient loss reduction.  This year’s $24,500 grant will be matched with local dollars and in-kind services to continue to explore the influence of manure management and cover crops on reducing nutrient losses.  The Clinton CFB’s 2023 project continues research on cover crops and livestock manure and invites farmers to learn about NLRS practices at their upcoming July 29th Field Day and additional outreach efforts.  To-date, the Clinton CFB has committed over $278,000 in local nutrient stewardship research.

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