
Clinton County Farm Bureau Director Ron Holevoet will be recognized during IFB's Annual Meeting in Chicago for responding to all of IFB's request to contact legislators .Holevoet persistently encourages fellow Farm Bureau members to join FB ACT (Farm Bureau Agricultural Contact Team) and share their...

After a great visit to her Chicago District in July, farmers from Clinton and Marion Counties had the opportunity to return the hospitality by hosting their "Adopted" legislator (State Representative Eva-Dina Delgado) for several farm tours in October. The day started with an outstanding tour and...

The Clinton County Farm Bureau completed its annual Clinton County Crop Survey on Thursday, August 26th. Teams of surveyors consisted of Farm Bureau members, Agri-business representatives, and Ag students from Breese Mater Dei.  A total of 5 teams surveyed Clinton County.  The results of the survey are summarized below. The county...

Members of the Clinton County Farm Bureau (CFB) Young Leader Committee recently made a $750 donation to the St. Rose Fire Department as part of their 2021 Farm Safety Grant program.  Four county departments requested grants for equipment assistance totaling approximately $4,500.  Items requested included...